1. Hold your Zum Sachet and read this list in its entirety.
2. Pour the Zum Bar Soap shavings into a dish to use as natural potpourri.
3. Attach the string to a leash and tell people it's your pet, Sonny, who you adopted from the Zum Factory.
4. Serenade your Zum Sachet to sleep. No reason.
5. Wear a tool belt and fill it with Zum Sachets. Pass them out to strangers.
6. Wear a fanny pack and fill it with Zum Sachets. Pass them out to friends.
7. Give one to your Uber driver to spread the Zum.
8. Use Zum Bar Soap shavings as pretend scones for a tiny doll tea party.
9. Take one to work to keep the office smelling like our office, AKA The Zum Factory!
10. Toss one in your kids' dirty clothes hamper. Toss in two if they're stinky middle schoolers.
11. Write, "Squeeze me when you're uneasy," on one and use it as a stress ball.
12. Draw your initials on the Zum Sachet bag and send it to your lover.
13. Use one as a party hat for your piano.
14. Keep one in your gym bag or locker to rid the air of sweaty funk.
15. Moving? Put Zum Sachets in your boxes of clothes so unpacking will be a refreshing experience.
16. Place a Zum Sachet on your head and walk until it falls off. If you're really good at this, try dancing.
17. Keep one in your garage so it doesn't smell like a garage.
18. When paying at a store, pull a Zum Sachet out of your purse and lay it on the counter. See if anyone asks what it is.
19. Attach string to the top to give your Zum Sachet a DIY hairdo. Remember that blondes don't always have more fun. Just ask Zum Marketing Chick Keelia!
20. Keep one near the toilet to disguise the scent of deuces dropped.
21. Play catch with one. No gloves required.
22. Take your Zum Sachet on a date to the bathtub.
23. Use Zum Bar Soap shavings as Monopoly money.
24. If your Zum Sachet is empty, use it as a coin purse.
25. Invite your friends over for an ABBA karaoke party and use Zum Sachets as makeshift microphones.
26. Time to par-tay! Give these away as favors.
27. Put one under the seat of your car for oohs and ahhs when guests ride with you.
28. Leave one behind after a one-night stand.
29. Put a Zum Sachet on one nightstand.
30. Play Spin the Sachet! It's smells way better than a bottle.
31. Get three and learn to juggle. When you drop them it won't hurt.
32. Want to dream of Zum Bars? Tuck one under your pillow at night.
33. Give them to your child's teacher as an end-of-school or holiday gift.
34. Remember Flavor Flav? Tie one to a ribbon and wear it as a necklace. You are now Whiffa This.
35. Stick one under couch cushions to ensure fresh scents during sits.
36. Put a pair in your shirt for a scented squeezable.
37. Stick one in your carry-on so it doesn't smell like "airplane grease."
38. Place in stinky shoes, cleats, or sock drawers.
39. Hook one to your handlebars and soon people will follow you like you're the Ice Cream Truck.
40. Stick it where extra bulge is needed.
41. Keep one in storage bins so it lifts your spirits when you unpack.
42. Put one in your closet to make 7 Minutes in Heaven next level.
43. Use one as a chair or coffee table for your dollhouse.
44. Catapult one into a basketball goal. You miss and you're out.
45. Leave a trail of Zum Bar Soap shavings that leads to your bathtub filled with rose petals and tiny, purple rubber duckies.
46. Replace your roommate's favorite snack with a Zum Sachet. Eat the snack and smell good while doing it.
47. Hide one and whoever finds it first gets to keep it. You don't count.
48. Carry a couple around and ask your friends if they like your Fun Bags.
49. Tuck one in your panty drawer.
50. Fill one with beans and give it as a gag gift to your best friend. SIKE. JK, give them the real thing!
51. Keep one packed in your stroller or diaper bag so diaper stink doesn't dominate.
52. Use as a makeshift hacky sack.
53. Rub one all over your naked body when you run out of Zum Bars.
54. Put one in your closet to ward away musty stink.
55. Mail one to your childhood best friend with a note saying, "Miss you buddy!"
56. Put one in your purse on a first date in case your nerves need an aromatherapy boost to relax.
57. Your date will probably end well because of how good you smell.
58. Leave one on a park bench as a gift for someone new.
59. Leave one in someone's chair for a soapy surprise.
60. Carry your Zum Sachet around with a pair of tiny rubber hands.
61. Have your partner massage you with a Zum Sachet. Woooh.
62. Use them as cornhole bags for outdoor game time.
63. Carry some around to give strangers as random acts of aromatherapy.
64. Make your Zum Sachet into a marionette and sing, "High On a Hill Was a Lonely Goatherd."
65. Use three to juggle. Five if you're really talented.
66. Build a soapcastle out of Zum Bar Soap shavings.
67. Place in out-of-season shoes in storage.
68. Take one camping to spice up your tent romance.
69. Sing 99 Sachets of Zum on the wall.
70. Count Zum Sachets instead of sheep.
71. Use Zum Bar Soap shavings as confetti.
72. Hang one from the left butt pocket of your sexiest pair of pants.
73. Give one as a gift to a college dorm-dweller. It's a nice, good-whiffing alternative since candles aren't allowed!
74. Build a pyramid of Zum Sachets, then knock it down because that sounds fun.
75. Leave one in a hotel room as a gift for the housekeepers.
76. If you're still reading this, WE LOVE YOU, Zum Lovey.
77. Give it a headset and sunglasses and place it in your window like it's looking outside.
78. Use to freshen up your stinky beach bag.
79. Save the coins and Cabbage Patch dolls – collect Zum Sachets.
80. Stare longingly at your Zum Sachet and write a sonnet in its dedication. Email the sonnet to zumchicks@indigowild.com.
81. Pretend it weighs 1,000 pounds and act like you're struggling to carry it. Make sure you have an audience.
82. Make art with Zum Bar Soap shavings. Nude art preferred.
83. Swaddle one, put a newborn-sized hat on the top, and take it with you to the store. Buy pacifiers and more Zum.
84. Mix Zum Bar Soap shavings into your bath – add Zum Tub Bath Salts for an extra kick.
85. Leave them in suitcases to ensure whiffy traveling.
86. If someone pronounces our brand "Zoom," throw one at them. It's Zum, like rum, bum, come.
87. Offer them the Zum Sachet you threw at them as a peace offering.
88. Hang one around the top of a wine bottle. Makes for a great housewarming gift!
89. Bury one as hidden treasure and hide the treasure map so a new person can fall in love with it too.
90. Take one into a store that doesn't carry Zum and Customer Service they really should.
91. Traveling to a beautiful place? Take a selfie with your Zum Sachet and send it to zumpics@indigowild.com.
92. Bring it to the movie theater because Sachets deserve quality entertainment too.
93. Leave one on a pillow for a houseguest gift!
94. Dress it as a One-Eyed, One-Horned, Flying Purple Stink Eater.
95. Never take your Zum Sachet for granted. Sven will find you and tickle you until you see purple stars.
96. Dance with one alone in your kitchen.
97. Only slow dance with your Zum Sachet during Oak Ridge Boys songs.
98. Listen to your favorite Spotify playlist and take a nap with your Zum Sachet.
99. "I've got 99 problems but goat's milk soap isn't one."
100. Zum Sachet, how do we love thee? Let us count even more ways.. Send us your ways to love Zum Sachet.